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Performance record


Accreditation is a key component of the aged care regulatory environment established by the Aged Care Act 1997.

Accreditation seeks to assess the quality and care of services delivered by approved providers against the Quality Standards and contributes to improved safety, quality and continuous improvement of services.

We have an unblemished record in relation to retaining our Accreditation Status with the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission across both our residential and home care services.

A new Star Rating System was introduced in December 2022 for residential care. This is based on 4 categories, these categories and their weightings are:

  • Residents’ Experience – weighting 33%
  • Service Compliance with Accreditation – weighting 30%
  • Care Minutes – weighting 22%
  • Quality Indicator Program

We are pleased to advise that our residential services currently have a 4 star rating.

“Heartfelt gratitude to all at Rembrandt Living for their love, care and support… It was a very beautiful gift that our parents were regarded with so much genuine love in their final years.”


Aged Care charter of rights

All people receiving Australian Government funded residential care, home care or other aged care services in the community have rights.

These are important rights and at Rembrandt Living we take them very seriously. All staff and volunteers are trained to protect the rights of our people and appropriate systems and checks are put into place. Additionally, our residents, community and allied health care consumers and their representatives have a voice. They can express their ideas, needs or concerns through the Rembrandt Living Board Consumer Advisory Committees, or through the support of Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS).